1960 Knott’s Souvenir Guide – 80mb
I love this art work from “Dining at Knott’s” page 11.

Here is the cover and a few neat pages from the guide in case you don’t want the whole thing or if you’re waiting for it to download. I left out page 31 which has a disturbing image of a train robber being strung up on Hangman’s Tree while the crowd watches with glee, it looks kind of real. You’ll have to download the whole guide for that one.

This is definetly one of those sit-back-with-a-cup-of-coffee-sunday-morning-reading-moments. Thanks very much, this is the coolest.
I think I might have one of these guidebooks in a box somewhere (story of my life!), but I don't think I ever looked at it as closely as I did in your scan. What a wonderful record of the park in those glory days!
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