Yes ladies and gentleman it’s the amazing Sherman Brother tunes, It’s a small world. This recording today is brought to you on a 45rpm vinyl disc recorded by “Walt Disney Music Co.”
This has got to be the first and original version (are there other versions?). This is from the 1964-65 New York Worlds Fair. It looks like a mailer of sorts, mailing a breakable record in this flimsy thing seems like you are asking for trouble.
Neat art work on the front, I don’t recall seeing this one anywhere else. I like all the flags merged together, is this Mary Blair’s work?

The back tells about the attraction at the Fair, presented by “PEPSI-COLA”. “A Salute to UNICEF” Do they still mention the UNICEF tie-in?

Cool Rolly Crump design. Why didn’t this go to Disneyland? And better question; where DID it go?
Here is a scan of side one of the 45 record. It’s in remarkable condition given its age (wait a second, I'm that old too!). I bet it was only played a couple of times.

Speaking of playing it, here you go! Due to Blogspot size limits, I recorded side one in two short parts. First here is the English Version, fun stuff!
Now the Swedish version. Hmmm, I think I like this one better!
I’ll make this brief. There is a big controversy about possible updates to It’s a Small world that include adding Disney Characters, and worse yet, removing an entire section and adding a new one that appears to look awful. You can read more about it here:
This is a great piece of World's Fair memorabilia, and the one that I have looks virtually unplayed as well. I guess the song drove people crazy back then too.
The story goes that the Tower of the Four Winds was cut up and dumped into the East River, but who knows...
Tim - fool that I am, I had to click on the Swedish version...yup, still annoying! Thanks for the dedication. You just can't beat a Rolly Crump design for cool & wacky - really love his stuff.
This is great!
Wonderful, where in Disneyland would they have placed the Tower of the Four Winds?
Thanks for this. I hope we'll get to hear the Swiss Yodeler version some time and what, please, is on the flip-side?
I found this at a local antique shop.
Unfortunately it had too many scratch marks on it.
However, I debated for a long time whether or not to buy it.
Major, it drove me crazy just recording it! Also, I hear the Tower of the Four Winds was scrapped and dumped as you stated. Apparently it was going to cost $10,000 to disassemble and move it to Anaheim, so Walt said, “Junk it”.
Dave; I am really starting to appreciate Rolly Crump the more I find out about him and his work. Did you know he designed the interior of “Knott’s Bear-y Tales”? I just found that out, that explains why I loved that ride so much!
George; there is plenty of room for the Tower, how about removing “Princess Fair” and putting it there, boy is that a waste of space.
Brian; Check back in a couple days for “IASM Audio-Visual Day Part 2”. The Yodeler is painful, but I’ll tape it for you. Side two? Other language’s I think, I’ll have to check.
Disneyana; Boy do I know that feeling, the internal debate “I want it, but I don’t need, but I want it….”
This is from the 1964-65 New York Worlds Fair. It looks like a mailer of sorts, mailing a breakable record in this flimsy thing seems like you are asking for trouble. projector service toronto
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