Thursday, April 10, 2008

It was 20 years ago today...

April 10th 1988, America Sings sang its last song. I did a post back in February (link) showing a press pass and a grainy video of the attraction. I have since found a much nicer video on YouTube. I rode Splash Mountain on my last visit just to see all the animals from America Sings, ok, that last drop was a blast too!!!

This was filmed on the last day, April 10, 1988. Notice one of the geese is missing in the first two scenes (there are supposed to be four in each scene). I hear they “loaned” them out to Star Tours but never got them back! (YouTube Link – part 1) - (YouTube Link – part 2).

Here is the cover to the Summer 1974 Guide Book. Yes I posted this cover before, but check back this Sunday for the entire guide.

Some stock photo’s I cobbled together from the big souvenir books. They didn’t devote very much space in the books for America Sings, not even half a page

WOW – Check out this whole page photo from an early 80’s souvenir book! THIS is Disneyland…

Tomorrow? Rumor has it that “It’s Back" - Here’s a sneak preview:


Major Pepperidge said...

Great photo of the Rocket Jets! I would've loved to have taken a ride on this with my nephew.

As for "America Sings", I have never been quite the fan that most people have... maybe by the time I saw it I was a jaded teenager. Or maybe I just missed "Carousel of Progress", which I loved! BUT... I admit that I wouldn't mind see America Sings live in the Carousel Theater again.

Jason Schultz said...

It's probable I saw the show at some point, but I don't remember it at all. I've greatly enjoyed the soundtrack since I first heard it in 1997, though!

gw2 gold said...

Great photo der Rakete Jets! Ich hätte gerne genommen eine Fahrt auf diese haben mit meinem Neffen habe.

Wie bei "America Sings", habe ich nie ganz das Gebläse, dass die meisten Menschen haben ... vielleicht von der Zeit als ich es sah war ich abgestumpft Teenager. Oder vielleicht habe ich einfach übersehen "Carousel of Progress", das ich geliebt! ABER ... Ich gebe zu, ich hätte nichts dagegen sehen America Sings leben im Carousel Theater wieder.
wow gold