Star Tours NOW OPEN!!! Well, its been open since January, but "Now the Adventure is Real”.

Snow White's 50th Special Edition Commemorative Passport, I wonder what those looked like? Oh what the heck, let’s order one and find out.

Nice artwork on the front.

I so want to take that coin out and hold it! Fun pamphlet enclosed.

Yes, I knew you wanted to see the entire little fun pamphlet, so here it is.

Oh, how about a ticket? It from August 1987, but I think they looked the same in April.

In fact, these were printed in 1986!

And here is the guide book from 1987, check back for the full post of this guide on this coming Bonus Sunday.

Also from 1987, this Handicapped Guest Guide is very interesting. It’s nicely written and it’s notable in that it lists the attractions by land but only includes the ones that are handicap accessible. The attractions that are not handicap accessible are not shown, keeping the tone positive, nice touch. Full post of this guide also on Bonus Sunday.

Wow, the post keeps going and going! The Globe of Death (honestly, somebody thought that name and concept was a good idea?) in the Central Plaza was such an abomination that part of the appeal of the Partners Statue was that such a thing would never, ever happen again there.
Wow, the post keeps going and going! The Globe of Death gw2 gold (honestly, somebody thought that name and concept was a gw2 gold good idea
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