The inside cover has this beautiful watercolor painting by Millard Sheets.

This issue's Disneyland article is fairly short, but certainly a reflection of the times. “What Khrushchev Missed in Disneyland”. The article steers clear of exactly why Khrushchev missed going other than to blame “authorities” who were worried about his security.

Kyra Petrovskaya (say that five times fast) tells about what Khrushchev would have seen from her Russian perspective. Turns out she and many other Russians are Tom Sawyer fans, I guess that’s why we get these excellent paintings of Tom’s Island by Ralph Hulett.

Some interesting observations about more adults than children. Possible political correctness violation where she describes the various types of the guests at Disneyland, again I suppose it was a sign of the times.

No advertisements in the Ford Times but there are a few more spectatular articles with more amazing art work. This 5 page article is about smart porpoises and Marineland!

The paintings (and sketches) by James Warren really pickup the vibe of early Marineland.

Flipper singing in a bow-tie!

More Marineland goodness on the inside of the back cover. I can’t find anything about James Warren on the internet, too bad, I really like his style.

Knott’s Berry Farm didn’t want to get left out, here’s the secret recepe for Mrs. Knott’s Old-Fashion Pioneer Beef Stew. For you seafood folks, try the Fish Ka-bob with Caper Sauce from the Sea Shanty.

Red Skelton, Danny Kaye, Marlene Dietrich – you know “There’s a lot to Las Vegas”.

Frank Sinatra and Edie Adams, did things that happened in Vegas stay in Vegas back in 1962?

This post has been brought to you by me and is compliments of Read Mullan Motor Company, Phoenix 14, Arizona.

A Knott's Berry Farm painting by Art Riley ??? I'm flipping out!
A truly beautiful magazine and a fun read. Excellent!
This is so great! Today, it's hard to imagine any company producing a colorful, well-written magazine like this (and dig all those amazing illustrations!). I know that Nash and Hudson did them as well...
I'm going to have to try Mrs. Knotts stew recipe... minus the monosodium glutamate.
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