Looks like Hills Bros. Coffee must have sponsored this little ticket, I wonder if it came in a can of coffee? CHECK OUT WHITTLES! I’ve never seen him wear other costumes, or are those his brothers? Whittles was pretty much gone by mid 1976 so these must be from before then.

Here’s a few vintage Knott’s Photo’s. Also undated, but much older than the Hills Bros. ticket. These black & white prints are tiny (just 2” by 3”) and on curled-up paper. I’m guessing by the views that they are “souvenir” photos; you’d think they could be a little larger!
Neat Lake-Island-Bridge shot. Is that the backside of a chicken on the right side of the bridge?

Hey what do you know, it really was a farm!

Our little Chapel by the Lake looking great.

The Old Mill Stone looked like log until I scanned the photo and saw what it was!

Cool stuff Tim! Likely the Whittles stuff is 1973 or '74, as the gypsy theme was out by 1975. We have a bit on Whittles in the upcoming 'Knott's Preserved' - which went to print a few weeks ago!
Here's a link I think you will love, by the way. I have so many questions about this...
That old mill scene still exists today (hidden behind the Berry Market) and looks almost exactly the same as it did decades ago. It's kind of surprising that it hasn't been replaced by a bungee tower or rollercoaster.
Hey Chris, I had to check out that link you provided. Fantastic 1970's footage....but why does it go back and forth between WDW and Magic Mountain? I mean, I'm glad that it did...it's just strange how it jumps from one park to the other. I did love getting to see all of those extinct Magic Mt. attractions!
And it goes to Sea World (Florida I think) too! So strange... They probably had to fly from India to Florida, then California & back to India to shoot this. And I'm sure it was done "hit and run" style - no way they had permission! You can even tell by the other guests they roped into the shoot!
Yeah, I wondered if that was Sea World. As I watched that killer whale kiss a park guest and the dolphin shake hands with another, I couldn't help but think about what happened at Sea World on Wednesday. Whaterver the reason it did it....I don't blame the poor whale. They should not be having to perform for OUR entertainment!
Hey Chris, now I get it, Whittles is dressed up for the Gypsy camp!
I can not wait for your BOOK!!!!!
Ok, that Bollywood video begs so many questions... 1st of all, WOW, thanks for that link - the Magic Mountain footage is awesome, way better than a 1979 VHS souvenir tape I have! I'm guessing they couldn't do a lot of setup/closeup shots at WDW so MM came into play with its open spaces and open nature. Of course could the 2 parks be any further apart? I watched it with the sound turned up, WOW!
TM: The Old Mill Still exists?? I gotta get to Knott's before its gone. Maybe "We" can get to Knott's soon for Chris's book!!!
Totally agree about animals performing in captivity, the few shows I've seen always make me sad for the animals.
Always great to see old Knott's stuff - and I believe that's the backside of a turkey in the first shot.
Hi all - They tell me that they are cleaning up the Old Mill/George Washington fireplace in anticipation for my book signing at Knott's on Sunday, April 18th. We are currently planning a ticketed event based around this, with some special surprises - but I can't announce anything until we finalize the details with Cedar Fair...
I like that li'l ticket! Great graphics on the back. You're right, those photos appear to be souvenir pix...
Yes VDT, the Old Mill Stream vignette still exists, and so does the recreation of George Washington's Mt. Vernon fireplace. The Knott's thing sounds like a good plan...we can talk as it gets closer. I can't wait for Chris' book either!!!
And don't forget the Rock Garden next to them both. All of it is still there - for now.
There are a few different sets of those black and white souvenir photos. The variations are pretty fascinating.
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