I posted a similar ticket back in June 2008 (link) however that ticket was only good for four hours (6pm to 10pm)! Note the dreaded string with no support at the punch hole, a disaster waiting to happen.

Here’s a fun application packet supplied by the Disneyland Music Department so your band can apply to be in “America on Parade”. Travel arrangements naturally provided by the Walt Disney Travel Company.

Tony Peluso signed this nice letter on bond paper (Gilbert Bond – Opaque 25% cotton).

Hey this information sheet makes it sound like a blast to be in this parade. Guest groups get free admission to Disneyland and One 5 Ride “E” coupon ticket book for each member”. NICE!

You better print clearly and please, do not send your demo tape on an 8-track!

Rats no Kazoo, I’m out...

Just in case you don’t know how to make a demo tape, here you go.

p.s. - Thanks go out to D.O.P. for the band application package!

Here’s a fun application packet supplied by the Disneyland Music Department so your band can apply to be in “America on Parade”. Travel arrangements naturally provided by the Walt Disney Travel Company.

Tony Peluso signed this nice letter on bond paper (Gilbert Bond – Opaque 25% cotton).

Hey this information sheet makes it sound like a blast to be in this parade. Guest groups get free admission to Disneyland and One 5 Ride “E” coupon ticket book for each member”. NICE!

You better print clearly and please, do not send your demo tape on an 8-track!

Rats no Kazoo, I’m out...

Just in case you don’t know how to make a demo tape, here you go.

p.s. - Thanks go out to D.O.P. for the band application package!
Wow, this is some cool stuff! I loved America On Parade!
Thanks for the shout out... Funny I forget what I've given you... lol
You always make this stuff so interesting! Thanks again!
This is pretty interesting. I remember this parade, and also buying a t-shirt with that Disney version of the "Spirit of '76" artwork.
Now, I have to find my Super 8mm movies of America On Parade (DL/WDW), which is my one on my visual sources for the Parade since I wasn't born until 1976. Those applications are rare gems!
Useful information. I knew Tony Peluso worked there in the 1980s and 1990s, but can now also tag him as a 1970s Cast Member.
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