"Light Magic" I was at Disneyland in 1997 and don't recall seeing this mess at all. I must have been in my "avoid the parade" mode, from what I can tell, that was a good decision.
While "Light Magic" probably didn't photograph to well, it still looks weird and disjointed, Pooh looks a little lost...
Come back tomorrow for Souvenir Saturday Plus a trip report from 9/11 at Disneyland.
Eeeeeeeewwwwww! Sorry, but I'm still scarred phsychologically from their whole campaign of getting rid of the Electrical Parade FOREVER and then replacing it with THIS. Don't even get me started on the "farewell season" merchandise and sale of the light bulbs!
P.S. Don't worry about not seeing it in 1997....you missed absolutely NOTHING!
Was working on the Burbank lot that year - boy, was the 'in house' buzz negative on this one!
Your research is so outstanding and I enjoy your blog so much that I hesitate to nit-pick, but the flag is flying at "half-staff," not "half-mast" (that is, unless Captain Hook's pirate ship has been resurrected in Town Square). Otherwise, bravo for some great photos and for your excellent work overall.
On the "streetacular's" final night, Guest Control was going back and forth at the Small World Mall viewing area, having one side of the Parade Route shout "Light" and the other "Magic." Well, that devolved into one side shouting "Light" and the other "Tragic"... and I have the audio to prove it!
I remember this diaster. They had bad will from the first. They sold tickets to anual passholders to see the LAST EVER performance of the Electrical Parade party then held over the parade for another 2 months after that.
They sold ligh bulbs supposedly from the dismantled floats of Electric Parade then that parade turned up at a Pemiere after those bulbs had been distributed.
The end of the Electrical parade was handled poorly and no one WANTED to say goodbye to the Electrical parade to begin with. They had a lot of bad will before the parade ever showed up, but we'd been promised something so wonderful that we wouldn't even miss the Electrical Parade. Add to that technical problems and a disney parade featuring non-disney characters (this was before they came out with the Pixie books so it had NOTHING to do with disney at the time.) Did I mention they were doing riverdancing (that part was fun at the time) but this thing was just doomed. It was 2 (or 4?) sparkly floats that parked so you could watch dancers and TV. Not a worthy replacement for The Main Street Electrical Parade.
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