“Sponsored by the Independent Order of Foresters” I’ve never even heard of this group, have you?
“The Independent Order of Foresters is one of the world’s oldest and largest fraternal benefit societies with over one million members. The IOF Foresters is international in scope with the majority of its members located in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. The IOF Foresters sells a wide range of life insurance, and annuity products.” (source link)
I like how these tickets are like shaped like a tag, too bad someone yanked the string out of these one! Interesting Logo…
The back side of a special event ticket. “The Foresters wish to inform you all sales are final”… “Should any excess monies result from this event, they will be retained by the Foresters for its service program” Nice, I didn’t realize these special events could be profitable for the Company or Organization holding it.
And just because it’s so much fun and I can’t resist, here are more of this weekends special bonus of the newspaper supplement for Disneyland Summer 1959.
Check out the Hills Bros. Coffee House photo. Ok, I want that fantastic coffee pot, those large and sturdy mugs, those carnation creamer cups are to die for, that menu is a must have, and even the coffee looks great!
Nesbitt’s and Frito the Kid on the same page, wow, who knew they would become so rare and obscure. 5¢ for a bag of Fritos!
Loving this artwork…
More Fritos. This time it’s Casa de Fritos! Is that Jerry Lee Lewis on the far right???
Come back tomorrow for the entire supplement.
Man, this really was a golden age at the park... everything looked wonderful!
Golden Age and Golden Times for me --- This suplement is awesome. Can't wait to see the rest.
That Summer '59 supplement is just a classic piece. It's always a fun read!
Looks like the Foresters was a Mix-in Party. Disneyland offered two types of parties (and still do???). The private party was more common (at least in the late eighties). My understanding is that a fixed amount was paid to Disneyland and ticket media were provided. Based on the price the organization chose it could be a money maker (or loser!) These parties would start after 7PM generally.
A mix-in allowed party guests to enter early (Usually 4PM), but day guests from the park got to stay in the park! Prior to the use of the unlimited passport this wasn't that great of a deal.
Is that security host sitting down? He needs a retroactive written reprimand!
Thanks all, I hope you enjoyed the entire supplement. Westcott; thanks for detailing the private parties and mix-ins, Seems like the have a ton of these parties as soon as the summer ends.
Actually, it was a fantistic deal. We used to go with the Foresters. After the public left there were no lines. We rode on more rides in the hours after the public left than you could ride in several days. My folks let the kids go off on our own. I remember riding the bobsleds and then running back through the lines and jumping back on.
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