"Show Biz Is" is not only a "Revue" (all "Revues" hence forth will be dedicated to Major Pepperidge) but its "Brassy" as well, Nice! Also enjoy Pizzazz over at the Tomorrowland Terrace with the "Now Sound" that reminds me of the late 1960's.

Here's a fun cover to the Spring 1981 issue of Disney News.

Part of a great four page profile on New Orleans Square.

This is a pretty good edition of Disney News, so on Bonus Sunday check for the entire issue.

That entertainment flyer shows the original trees that used to line Main St. Those trees would be replaced in late 1981 with smaller ones.
Actually...at second glance, that tree growth shown on the cover may be from a tree in Town Square, but the Main St. trees were replaced later that year.
It seems like that flyer photo features lamps and trees more than anything else!
Hey Tim, that's me (Brer Bear) on the front cover! I'm looking forward to meeting up with you and James in April. Take care. --Jim
TokyoMagic; Its just a weird photo huh? I wonder what they did with the trees that were removed in 1981? Lets hope they didn't end up in a "Knott's Style" trash dump!
Major; I never looked close at the photo until yesterday, I'm wondering if the DL folks didn't look to close either!
Jim! That's you? According to the description you are "cavorting to the musical sounds of Springtime in a colorful courtyard setting" Were you really cavorting???? LOL! Looking forward to seeing you & James in April!
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