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Now for your guide book to match the season, here's the Fall/Winter 1977(78) Disneyland Guide Book. No waiting for Bonus Sunday for the complete guide, it was posted a while back, here's the link.
Compelte Disneyland Guide Book Fall/Winter 1977
The brand new Space Mountain on the cover, while the large palm trees in Tomorrowland look nice, I never understood how they fit the futuristic theme?

Back when Disneyland ROCKED!

I can remember several times in the 1970's when the Park would make an announcement, I guess in the early evening, that "Disneyland is extending its operating hours and will close at 1AM".
That always felt like winning a "triple word score" in Scrabble.
Jeez, the 70's seem SO long ago, and yet I was there. Makes me feel oooooold!
If you think being in the Park at 2:30am feels weird, my brother and I attended a 30 hour party Disneyland had in the early 80s. Imagine how it felt being in the Park watching the sun set and rise again. And no, we didn't stay the entire 30 hours.
Wow, I forgot all about being there that night! that was my 1st New Years at the park... Standing at the FOC and bringing in the new year...
it was great! All that for $12.00
Thanks for the trip back in time.
The 70's were my formative years at the Park and I sure do miss them from time to time. Would love to go back for a day just to get that feeling back...
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