Complete Vacationland Fall/Winter 1976-77 – 67mb

This issue is full of neat articles. There’s a fun A thru Z of Disneyland on the first few pages (you’ll have to download the entire issue to see it). Then there are a few articles about long lost places at Disneyland. “Town Square Cafe” sounds perfect for that area of the park, too bad it’s just another store now!

Aboard Capt. Hooks Galley, who’d a thought you could miss a tuna sandwich restaurant?

Space Mountain Update… Lots of fun facts in here; special “chicken” ramp (used once by me in 1978), “Guests can also view the attraction in actual operation before boarding (the smoke-glass windows in the queue line they later took out) and astronaut Gordon Cooper appears in a short film.

It’s always interesting how the Vacationlands ran ads for other southern California amusement/theme parks. I guess they didn’t feel these other places were much of a threat, and they really weren’t. I am so digging that mid-70’s artwork, groovy baby.

I've never seen that issue of Vacationland! Wouldn't you love to see that short film featuring Gordon Cooper?? Very cool!
It's surprising how few photographs were taken of the Pirate Ship from the grotto area. Looking through the cascading falls, it makes a nice view.
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