The Manhattan Transfer!!! Boy was I a fool not to attend on this occasion. I love The Manhattan Transfer; I still play my 45 of Manhattan Transfer’s “Twilight Zone” from 1979. You can buy the song for a penny here (link). Kool & the Gang at the Space Stage in Tomorrowland most likely singing their 1980 hit Celebration, wow this was quite a night!

This post needs some color so here’s the cover to the Fall/Winter 1981-82 Vacationland. This is one of my favorite “modern” era Vacationland covers, Charles Boyer had a unique and vibrant way of capturing the Disneyland Spirit.

The whole gang is aboard; I always wondered if that Hut thing on stilts can support people, I guess it can.

Come back on Bonus Sunday for the entire issue, there’s a great article “Adventures in Peter Pan Country” featuring a soon to be gone pirate ship.
Manhattan Transfer - what an awesome band. Loved them when I was in college. Wonder whatever happened to them? Sounds like a job for Google.
I went to that New Year's Eve party and I still have that entertainment schedule and my ticket! My ticket was presale from Ticketmaster, but I think you could also purchase them in advance at the park. That's back in the day when they would close the park down and then reopen for the separately ticketed New Year's Eve party.
Oh, and I also still have my 45rpm version of "Twilight Zone." I downloaded it from Amazon.com not too long ago, but unfortunately, it was a live version and not as good. :(
it gives us an old memory.
Tim - Believe it or not, I was at Walt Disney World exactly one year earlier, December 31, 1980, and saw Kool and the Gang play there that night (both concerts!). My high school band played in the WDW New Year's Eve parade earlier that afternoon. It was my first visit to the park.
Great memories!
so pleased to stumble across your blog, everything you have on here is wonderful!
i have just posted a link to it over on my blog, i hope this is ok!
hayley x
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