From June 1956 it’s “Magic Circle” magazine. “Published in the interests of Perfect Circle distributors, dealers, garages, repair shops and super service stations all over the world, by Perfect Circle Corporation.” The back cover has an ad for Perfect Circle, they make piston rings!
Great front cover. This magazine is “Life” size at about 10 ½” by 13 ½”, but with only 15 pages in this issue.

The inside of the front cover. My first car in 1980 was a 1956 Buick just like the one on the far left in the middle photo! Nice Mercedes setup and Cynthia Patrick looks mighty fine too.

Now presented for your enjoyment, an interesting "look at" Disneyland as it looked and more importantly felt in 1956.

If you had trouble viewing the pages clearly, the entire magazine will be posted in a higher resolution (including those exciting articles on piston rings!) on Bonus Sunday.
It's nice to see such original text and photos from the early days. I particularly appreciated the details on the maintenance shops--pure gold for a thesaurer!
VDT- that is a scarce magazine. It was only available to garages and auto repair shops from Magic Circle pistons.
I have a copy of this magazine, and didn't know anything about it really. The "Life" comparison is apt, even the red stripe at the bottom with the date is a direct steal!
Great rare magazine! Forgot just how much fun this one was.
Always wondered about the rope near the alligator. Looks like they were protecting new growth.
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