Got your box of crayons ready? Here's a great Knott's Berry Farm coloring book from 1955. The cover and illustrations are very similar to the children's book "The Knott's Berry Farm Burro in Ghost Town" (link).

Only a couple of the pages were colored in, nice job staying in the lines!

Where's Disneyland???

Come back on Bonus Sunday for the entire coloring book, you better bring a new box of crayons!
Is that blue area in the Pan For Gold pic water? I don't remember ever seeing water behind the employees like that....and I don't remember ever seeing water THAT blue at Knott's!
I really like that coloring book!
P.S. Is the rest of the coloring book going to be seen on "Bonus Sunday" by any chance???
Wow! Way cool and fun look back. I LOVE that coloring book but guess what? I STILL COLOR!!! There, my secret is out.
Very cool! Can't wait to see the full coloring book on Sunday...
Awesome! I'm bringing my crayons.
Duh! Sorry, I didn't see your last line this morning about Bonus Sunday! Or maybe you added it later. Either way, thanks....I'm looking forward to it too!
These coloring book illustrations are fantastic. Jody and I are going to have to make some new T-shirts for ourselves, I believe. Thank you for posting these. Classic Knotts Berry Farm is the best!
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