It was 36 year ago today that Deborah Gail Stone lost her life while working on America Sings. This seems like such a senseless death, didn't anyone anticipate this could happen? Thanks Jim for sending us this article and making sure we remember Deborah. Please note this article incorrectly states the date Deborah died as July 9, 1974, it occured on July 8th, 1974.

As heartbreaking as this was to read, I want to thank you for making the effort to post this. Too often tragedies like what happened to Miss Stone are too often forgotten.
So sad...
Interesting article - thank you for posting this.
Talk about a freak accident... so sad.
i always knew of the accident, but didn't know the details.
i was just having a conversation with someone the other day about disneyland related deaths. they were commenting on how many deaths/accidents have happened and how really dangerous disneyland can be. honestly, that's horribly wrong. sure disneyland has had some issues over the years, but when you compare the sheer number of people that move through the park, both guest and employee, the place is unbelievably safe.
the only error in the article is the dock/loading employee from the Columbia that died in 1998. so, i guess there were two cast member deaths in the history.
thanks for posting this.
How sad. Thanks VDT for the memorial.
I first heard about this tragedy in Mouse Tales by Dave Koenig. It was shocking and sad to hear about it then and still is now.
Thanks for sharing.
yeah, someone just reminded me that the employee was hit but the guest in line was killed.
well, good for the employee, bad for the guest. :(
An interesting coincidence??....when the Home section of Inoventions was being tested, the company who developed the voice-activated home computer used a female voice. The said one to two sylabal names would work best for the computer to understand. They used several names and none worked as well as "DEBBIE" and that is what was finally used. The America Sings accident story was unknown to the instalation compnay, and the Debbie name conection wasn't realized untill it struck Bruce Gordon during a meeting!! ......."Debbie... can you please defrost the roast and close the livingroom windows.........?"
Mike C: Very creepy.
My wife worked America Sings a couple of times after the attraction reopened with security devices in place...
Wow, her death is so well-known, but not her life. The Stone family seems so sweet. I feel very sad for them.
I'd like to know if her family ever visited the park after her death.
I remember this as a 12yr old kid. I never knew Debbie's name or the details, but it has bothered me every time I've thought about it over the years.
I wasn't looking for this story- just stumbled on it, and I'm even more saddened now after reading what a great person she already was, and how the world could use her now. I'm so glad I found it and that my thoughts were not wasted.
Thank you so much for those of you who helped get this article up on the web. As this girls life should never be forgotten.
America Sings was one of my favorite rides growing up and going to Disneyland as a child. I never knew of this tragedy until I was trying to find out what happened to the ride over the years.
I was only 3 years old when this tragedy took place, but I now feel forever connected to this young womens life.
Debbie was a beautiful young lady on the inside and out, and that makes this story so sad on so many levels. My prayers go out to her and her family.
She may have lost her life working at Disneyland so many years ago, but I have no doubt that GOD needed her for a greater job, and I can't imigine a more perfect choice for an angel than Deborah Gail Stone!
Thank you for making this world a better place in your short 18 years. God Bless your soul, and I hope to meet you "One Sweet Day!
family hasn't had to work a day since, probably. Best payday ever. Wish my daughter could die at the hands of a multi-billion dollar corporation so I could hit the lawsuit lotto!
It is sometimes fun to leave incendiary comments on message boards and watch the sparks fly, Anonymous. But if the message was lost on you, it was not lost on me... It is heartening to know that Deborah's life is defined by what she meant to so many people and not by the tragedy of her passing. I am happy to hear that her memory brings joy to her family and hope that God shines upon her beautiful soul.
Happy Birthday Deborah, you are gone from this world, but you are never forgotten. GOD bless your wonderful soul.
thanks for posting the magazine article
Very nice article about a terrible tragedy. Thanks you to the comment writers for the sentiments. It's inspiring to find and read such positive things coming from good people.
Thank you so very much for all that you have contributed to this special young ladies memory. If not for human beings like yourself, Deborah's story and life may not have been remembered except by those who where close to her, and she desrves so much more than that.
Having read your insights in to her life and family makes me always ask the question "Not why she is gone, but why are we still here?"
Death is the ONLY promise we have in this life(not all of us pay taxes), and when I see a life like Deborah's that seems cut so short, and all that she may have been or done, I'm reminded that those of us who are of the Christian faith are only here to be perfected for Gods use and nothing more(everything else is irrelevant).
So in that I find great solace that she appeared to be an angel on earth and a great example of what we should all aspire to be(as Christians or just as human beings).
I was inspired to contact her parents a few months ago, and to offer my personal condolences for their loss. Just within the few emails we shared, I have to agree with you Jim, the Stone's where a major influence and a shining example to Deborah's life and they both deserve a ton of credit.
They seem to be such wonderful Christians, great parents(and grand parents), and just all around good people. I hope and pray that one day their families story can be told on a bigger scale(a small documentary or a faith program segment), as their story can be a HUGE inspiration to so many others who have gone thru the loss of a child.
It is very sad to see that the Disney corporation seems all to fine to let Deborah's memory fade away to the ages, but I guess for all the joy they bring to the masses everyday around the world(for me and my family as well), they are of this world and I guess for them to honor her life or to make her a small part of their history would be to much of the right thing to do(an honorary mouseketeer would be nice), and American businesses no longer seem to interested in doing "the right thing" anymore.
So a very heartfelt thanks to Jim and all the others who keep Deborah's memory alive almost 40 years after her passing, as it is such a shining example of what she stood for and what we should all aspire to do and be in this life.
I still think of her to this day when I first heard about her death so much I started a page to keep her memory alive R.I.P. Debbie.
Remeber her 39 years today.
Today my husband and I were watching TV and a show came on called "Disneyland Resort" (Destination America channel). My husband began to reflect back on the horrific accident that took Deborah Stone's life. He and his family were on the ride when the accident occurred. So, I decided to google the accident and found that it occurred exactly 39 years ago. God has shown me so much through the little I have read about Deborah and her family. She is an angel and a blessing to many! Thank you God, the Stone family and Deborah, the precious angel! God Bless!
♥ Debbie was a wonderful, kind and such a precious soul. I went to junior and senior high school with her. I am also from S.A.H.S. class of '74. She was always so sweet, always smiling. Editor of our yearbook. Such a brillant star in heaven. I still remember when the accident happened. At her funeral seemed as if all of Santa Ana was there. She will always be in my heart for all the love and kindness, she showed me. Her parents much be very special to have raised such a wonderful girl. Thank You for the privilege to have known an ANGEL...GOD BLESS EVERYONE WHO READS THIS.....
I've just found this article. Thank you for keeping Debbie's memory alive. I haven't been able to stop thinking about her since my brother showed a video about accidents in Dinseyworld, it just shocked me. I just hope this doesn't happen again anywhere.
R.I.P Deborah
R.I.p debbie
I just read the story of Deborah life & tragic death, so sad. I did not know Deborah, but I still feel the loss of her dying so young, her being a fellow Christian,& her being such a caring, loving person. This year will be 40 yrs since her death, I will pray extra for her on July 8th. R.I.P Deborah Stone.
I don't know America Sings. I was born late 80's and I don't even live in America. But I've seen several (bad quality) videos on Youtube from the ride. I don't understand how this accident could happen. Where is the wall that crushed her? When I look at one video, I can see walls on each side of the room. Those walls are split in 3. Why is that even? Also, wasn't it the stage that turned and not the outer ring where the audiance is sitting? Sorry but I don't understand when I read time after time in different articles "Debbie stood too close to the area between the rotating wall and the stage? I mean, how? I don't get the picture. her death has touched me deeply and I think about it a lot. But I don't understand what is described as what happened.
Happy Birthday Sweet Angel, GOD Bless You Always!
This is how I picture it. You are standing near the front of the stage on the left facing the audience. There is a separation (I'm not sure how big a separation, a crack?) along the floor and wall between the stage and audience area. The audience area begins to rotate clockwise and the audience portion of the wall begins to sweep across the front of the stage as it makes its way to connect with the wall to your right on the opposite end. Displaying to you another audience when finished. If you were too close to the edge the wall could bump into you if you were too close, you could just step back in that case. But if the direction of the movement is changed, now the wall on your right is moving across the stage to connect with the wall on your left. If you are standing to close to the edge or stick your arm out, it is going to get trapped as the walls meet together. Consider also when this is happening, the room goes dark so you might not see you are too close before it is too late.
Happy Heavenly Birthday Debbie!
40 years ago today you where called home and your true life began, and in that we can all find solace. Thank You so very much for being a shining example of a true Christian life in this world.
God Bless & Jesus Saves!
Debbie,ive learned today much about you and i can only say thank you and even 40 years later you aren't forgotten,instead more people are remembering even they never met you in live.RIP Debbie,
Erwin Laridon,Bruges Belguim
Hello, I found her story and many other tragic (secrets) of Disneys dark history. I am so sad that this beautiful child lost her life so senselessly and tragically. I hope you, the family, were atleast compinsated for her untimely passing. It didn't bring your precious baby girl back but atleast it would be something that Disney would acknowledge and pay for and relive a little pain and suffering. I know that as long as you're living you will never forget her as I will never forget such a beautiful, promising life cut short too soon. My condolences to your loss. Nicky S.
God bless Debbie's family, she was a true inspiration for many people and still is up to this day. I jus learned about this story a couple of days ago and honestly I don't know why but it really impacted me. After reading the article it's so sad, she seemed so sweet and her family as well. Thanks for sharing this article and R.I.P Debbie.
I was shocked when I heard about her story, and even more shocked when I read the details... I have never been in the Innovations building although I have been to DL three times so far, and when I read the story I was wondering where America Sings was located and I did more research and found out that it's the Innovations building and it just feels weird to think that I have passed by the building never even knowing what horrific thing happened there. I feel like if I go in that building, I will get a sad and haunting feeling remembering Debbie. I am sort of glad that the building has stopped spinning for that would be even more haunting... RIP Debbie
Thank you for writing and sharing this, the comments are heartwarming.
Happy Birthday Debbie, Many Blessings To You And Yours.
Debbie , you see. The world is you not forgotten....
I've never read about this tragedy until today, and I'm very moved by this all. Deborah sounds like such a wonderful soul who lost her life way too early. Today marks 41 years since that day, I pray for her family, friends, and those whose lives she touched.
It's very nice to see that she continues to be thought about and honored in such a way.
Still thinking about you Deborah. From a fellow cast mate...
Very nice article and tribute to such an amazing young life taken early. It would be nice to see Disney somehow pay remembrance to the cast members who lost their lives there. God bless your family Debbie. I am so happy to hear they raised you to trust the Lord. They are in my prayers
Lol, a little pointless ain't this? this was such a long time ago. The kid was stupid and was in a place she shouldn't be in and died. Let's get over it and move on dammit
Hey, asshole. Show some goddamn respect. ^anonymous. I'm sure if you witnessed the accident or had any sort of relationship with her, you wouldn't be calling her things like "stupid". I'm sure her family has moved on, but they won't just forget that it happened. That's what happen when loved ones die, you grieve. So, you can take your crude attitude and go troll someone else's article.
Dear Troll (Anonymous 05 Dec 2015),
Best response to you was already posted on 18 Apr 2012 by someone I'll call *Anonymous Wisdom*:
"It is sometimes fun to leave incendiary comments on message boards and watch the sparks fly, Anonymous. But if the message was lost on you, it was not lost on me... It is heartening to know that Deborah's life is defined by what she meant to so many people and not by the tragedy of her passing. I am happy to hear that her memory brings joy to her family and hope that God shines upon her beautiful soul."
'Nuff said, peace out.
Happy Birthday Deborah, Much Love To You And Yours!
And still in 2016 people are you not forgotten.Its now 41 years ago that you left this world.
R.I.P. angel ,if i die i hope to see you and meet you Debbie.We also will have to go where you are angel.....
With so much erroneous information and wild speculation swirling around on the internet, one thing is certain: Disney was aware of the design flaw that caused this accident--regardless of the company's contradictory statements following the accident.
I met with a former Disneyland architectural engineer who told me that he formally warned Disney of the potential danger not once, but several times before being told to stand down by management. Ironically, sadly, he was called at home on the night of July 8th and told to rush to the park to supervise the dismantling of the wall and the retrieval of Debbi's body.
This was an accident waiting to happen, if not Debbi, it would have eventually happened to another hostess. It was just a matter of time.
Let me share this about Debbi...
Dr. Reiter (pastor at the Stone's church) said two things about Debbi at her funeral that I thought you might find of interest:
1) Debbi's mother, Marilyn, told him that she never had any problems with her. Can you imagine that? I mean, what parent doesn't have discipline problems with their child--even if that child is exceptionally well-behaved?
Obviously that unique attribute did not spring up from nowhere. Mr. and Mrs. Stone's own character, their faith, moral fortitude and rearing of Debbi must be recognized as pivotal forces that equipped and inspired her to continually make good choices.
2) Dr. Reiter felt the one scripture that most accurately summed up Debbi's life, was Philippians 2:3-8
"Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men." (ESV)
He was right, because if one thing could be said of Debbi, she was a good and faithful servant.
A few years back I attended an anniversary celebration for Bill and Marilyn. In honor of Debbi, there was a table at the side of the dinning area displaying photographs and mementos, including a scholarship application letter written by Marilyn.
In it she mentioned that with all of Debbi's numerous school and extracurricular activities, her daughter still made time to help her four younger brothers with their homework and household chores. What an incredibly beautiful attribute!
Although her life is not defined by the circumstances of her passing, it is, for the most part, the interest in that tragedy that motivates those who never knew her to find out more about her. Their curiosity leads them to the story of a beautiful young woman who accomplished more and did more for others in her short 18 years than some people do in a lifetime.
Thank you for sharing a little of Debbie's life, hope you share us more.
Does anyone know if Bill and Marilyn Stone are still alive? I'd like to pay them a visit someday.
Yes. They still live in the Santa Ana house that they bought in the late 1950's when Debbi was born. They attend Calvary Church on N. Tustin Ave, Santa Ana.
Ok, thank you very much. I'm a 14 year old girl and i am from British Columbia, Canada.I've been fascinated by Debbi's life she is my role model and she's inspired me to respect everyone and everything and make good decisions. Without Debbi, I could've gotten into some bad things and gone onto the wrong path. Deborah Gail Stone was a beautiful soul. When I head down to Santa Ana, I will be sure to buy flowers and pay my respect. God bless.
So here's what happened: debbie stone called her parents and said she wanted to get married but at 10:30 pm when the last show for ''ameria sings'' was on someone heard in the audience from the previous stage from debbie's they heard a women screaming and they informed a member of staff. all they said was it was a part of the show until the end of the last show when they discovered Debbie in between two stage walls and was pronounced dead at 11:00 PM.
How tragic, some people that my parents know know debbie's family and they say not to talk about it. How about going to dicovery??? ummm adventure??...... Island I can't remember the name but DO NOT GO THERE!
It's haunted by the mascots of disney and if you tresspass on that very will be terrorized by them.
Debbie's death has become sort of a tasteless gossip passed around when I was in high school during the popularity of a video game centered around theme park animatronics. I'm glad to see that most people are instead choosing to remember this girl as the amazing person she was, not by how she died. Yes, the death was disturbing, but she was also a compassionate, intelligent, thoughtful and beloved kid who brought joy to everyone she knew by all accounts and had a bright future ahead of her. I'm also glad to know that Disney treated the Stone family with respect after the accident and adhered to their wishes to improve theme park safety. It seems Debbie left a legacy in many ways, both in the safety improvements for the lives of future staff and also the kind and inspiring things she did in her lifetime.
I did know Debby. We went to school together and graduated together. I was in drill team and Letterettes and she did flag twirling at our various sports events. She was so sweet, nice and very accomplished. In my senior year, I went out for swimming at the local junior college before the pool was built at our high school. I was a beginner, but I saw Debby there swimming lap after lap without a break. I left after an hour and she was still swimming laps. She was the editor of the 1974 Santa Ana High School yearbook if you ever have to see it. I struggled with her death for weeks after her death until she came to be in a dream. She was sitting on a green grassy hill with the wind gently swaying her long dark blond hair. She looked at me and smiled and said that she was Okay. My grief subsided after the dream but I do still think of her often.
I was one of the last to see her alive! I was one of the people in the audience, 46 years ago today. She was 18 and I was 8. I spoke to her mom last night - it's haunted me for years and I've wanted to reach out to the parents all this time to let them know something: She was one of the most beautiful young ladies I've ever seen and I could see the light of the Lord shining through her! I've been a Christian since 5 and I could clearly see that in Deborah. So, to my surprise, I did just a bit of research on the web, obtained a phone number, and her mom, Marilyn answered the phone! It was no doubt a rather strange phone call, at least for me, the strangest I've personally ever made, and I didn't know if I could go through with it! But, fortunately I did and let her mother know my thoughts! I lost my husband last year after over two decades of marriage and I am not left alone - we have a son who recently turned 21 and I'd personally want someone to call me and let me know if anything happened to my son! Her mother is so loving and I'm so grateful that I contacted her family to let them know! God bless you Deborah - heaven simply needed you and I know that you are there being blessed and blessing others!
He didn't die in Disneyland Park or in the Resort.
The article clearly states that Debbie is the only cast member to have ever died IN the park
Also the Hyperion incident occured over a year later after this article was written
I was so touched by reading this article about Deborah. That ride was one of my favorite rides in the park and I was sad when they closed it down. I was born in 1965 so I’m 55 now. I been on that ride so many times and the audiences loved it. I heard they closed the ride to place the characters in Splash Mountain due to going over budget to build it. I have a dvd of the America Sings ride and people placed it on YouTube. Since I wasn’t 9 years old yet I never heard of Debbie’s death until much later in life. I never read this article before. Debbie accomplished so much in her short life on earth that some people don’t accomplish their entire life. She was brought up by a wonderful family and taught Christian values and she not only knew them but followed them to help others. You never know how many lives she touched in her life but God knows. Disneyland never announces or gives a tribute to someone who has died at the park but they should. I’m thankful for reading about Debbie and her family. It encourages me that there are some good people left in the world. This day and age we live in 2020, a story like this we need to read and take it to heart to make a change for the better. We have been facing covid 19, riots, looting, drug and alcohol addiction, abortion, senseless violence and murderers, racism, unpatriotism, and so many issues facing the USA and the world. Isn’t it about time to have that brotherly love and respect for others and ourselves again? What hope is there without Jesus?. Much love to the person posting this article and the wonderful family of the article. As for Debbie, we all will see her to those of us that believe! God bless!
My name is Patrick Stibbs, and I am the author of this article. I wrote it when I owned a newspaper, The City Weekly, back in 2004.
I was fortunate to interview Bill & Marilyn Stone (Debbie's parents) for the article; their story touched me very deeply.
Years later, my family and I had lunch with the Stones when we were in Anaheim. Such lovely people.
I have heard from people all over the world who said the article touched them as well.
God bless the Stone family, and God bless Debbie.
Patrick Stibbs
On the Spot Productions
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I'd not heard about this incident. How heartbreaking and tragic and what a lovely looking girl she was. I'm so sad her life was lost when she had so much in front of her. Tragic accident and I hope the rests in peace. (however all the god comments really put my back up, if there was a god then he/she/it would have seen that the machine would have 'broken down' at the right time and not crushed the poor girl, I can only imagine how horrific it was for her.)
Please remove the spam comment above me.
@Perry Coleman "This day and age we live in 2020, a story like this we need to read and take it to heart to make a change for the better. We have been facing covid 19, riots, looting, drug and alcohol addiction, abortion, senseless violence and murderers, racism, unpatriotism, and so many issues facing the USA and the world." then America needs to stop voting democrat to stop those things, also vote out the Rinos (republicans in name only/democrat infiltrators) on the republican party. Until America wakes up from the marxism infecting its institutions it will continue to spiral into certain tyranny.
You are wrong. Big corporations always have strong legal teams, and it was 1974. The fact is that Deborah’s family only received a small settlement.
I Believe I was there at Disneyland when I was 12&1/2 with My Dad Waiting in the Line to go on the attraction, I didn't know about the tragedy when it happened. I can remember there was an unexplained delay when it seemed like the cycle of the Ride\Attraction was Interrupted, but then the building began to revolve very slowly in the opposite direction... I never thought much about that until several years later when For Some Reason I stumbled across some information on the Inter\Net about the Tragedy... I believe I might've been just Outside the wall not more than 3O or 4O feet away when it happened, it seems gruesome to me when I think back to that day that I had been so close to this tragic event when it happened... I hope that my words in this comment have not offended any body - - I wish to sincerely express my deepest condolences to the Family of Debby Stone
Yes it is. I am trying to find out if she was related to me.
I remember this happening. I was 9
I feel sorry for the poor cleanup people as it would have been an horrific mess to deal with. RIP Debbie
I don't recall ever having heard about this terrible tragedy before, but now that I have, I will never forget Deborah Stone. What a great loss the world suffered, not having her here anymore. I sincerely hope that she is in a beautiful, peaceful place. God bless her.
She was a person. A human being. A precious life cut short. She was someone's someone.
She's now with the angels! Debbie you're a dynamic and lovable girl, we love you so much ❤
It was a sad but necesary death because she would had gone of her parents house forever and never come visit them again because Debbie would be an lone adventurer in the life, so this no matter how sad it sounds, it had to happened, whatever, we will always remember her and she is now with God in heaven
Happy birthday Angel, I hope you are happy looking at us from heaven
I will definitely go put a candle for you
Are Bill and Marilyn alive? They are like 90 years old? So they we're born in late 1930s?
Yeah Bill and Marilyn we're in fact born in 1930s
This year it will be 50 years old since she died
I have only found out about her today. At first i was hella curious about the entire situation. After finding out things through hours of research, I found out she has the same birthday as my sister which kinda gave me a reason to have a connection with her. I cannot stop thinking of the fact that she had to listen to the dialogue, that she probably knew very well, and just wait for it to end. I cannot believe nobody stopped it. I mean, why would screaming be apart of the show?? How did the other workers not realize she was missing, or realize there was screaming over the dialogue? I have sooo many questions and something seems fishy here. Like did nobody do anything to protect Disney's image? or did they just wanna not scare the kids? Either way, unacceptable to stand there and watch it happen. If her death teaches us something, it’s to speak up even when nobody else is.
mdkjfklajsfkldj jasdfj asdj;f
50 years
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