Sunday, June 1, 2008

Bonus Sunday

Looking back at Tuesday's Space Mountain post (link) here is the entire Vacationland Magazine from the Summer of 1977. This is a fun one; The making of The Rescuers, Wild West Chorus Line (Golden Horseshoe tribute), a super article on San Diego and tons of great ads. Oh and Space Mountain too....

Vacationland Summer 1977 - 50mb

Also from Tuesday's post, the complete Your Guide to Disneyland Fall/Winter 1977/78.

Disneyland Guide Fall/Winter 1977/78 - 11mb

I was going to post the entire WDW Vacationland Spring 1975 magazine from Tuesday's post, but I got lazy so look for it later in the week along with a Vintage Disneyworld Ticket post.

I did however have a few more scans from Thursday's October 1954 TV Guide post. First up how about a review of Peter Lawford's new sitcom "Dear Phoebe", can't say I recall that one?

This TV Guide is from the New York City Zone. I have other 54/55 TV Guides from rural areas that have less than half the amount of stations. Channel 5 WABD the Du Mont network, great info on the "forth" network here (link) thanks "anonymous".

Here's Thursday's line-up. You 7,000 - 10,000 lucky house holds that have a Color TV are in for a "color treat" tonight - TWO Color programs in one night. Maybe this whole "color" thing might just catch on after all?

"A hundred exciting evenings ahead" that's a big promise, I think they ended up delivering it.


The Viewliner Limited said...

Great stuff as always Tim. Do you by chance have any TV Guides from 1957. This was the first year I ever saw TV.

mr wiggins said...

Hey great stuff Tim. Thanks again for the brochure and magazine downloads, they're much appreciated!!

Philip Marlowe said...

When I was at Walt Disney World this past May, it was the first time I'd been on Space Mountain since they refurbished it. There's a part of the waiting queue near the control center that's been closed in and as it was the usual nighttime crowd, there was a long line. I was stopped for quite awhile in an area that was like a closed-in hallway and it was claustrophobic! Besides that, the heat was unbearable! It was the first time I ever left the line in Space Mountain! This was on the left side of the two lines and don't know if both have been reconfigured this way. I'd be interested in anyone else's experiences with the new set up.