The back has plenty of those round logos! I like the area to endorse it like it's a check.

From the Summer of 1980, here’s the cover to “Backstage Disneyland”. I guess this is kind of like the “Disneyland Line”. It has no volume or issue number? There is an article inside about Wally Boag and it mentions Wally was the first editor of “Backstage Disneyland”. Come back on Bonus Sunday for the entire issue.

Look what’s on the first page, RARE Vintage Disneyland Tickets!!! First Grad Nite Ticket! Holidayland Ticket! Mickey Mouse Club Circus Ticket with Stub! Hey I see a Disneyland Dollar with the same logo as the $10 gift certificate in this post, I’ve never seen one of those before!

The issue celebrates Disneyland 25th anniversary with some vintage photos. I like the Viewliner shot; I never realize it was elevated that much in relation to Autopia.

I have some exciting news. Besides having this blog, I’ve have a website that up until now I have only used as a big storage space for the large .PDF files I post on the blog. I will admit to being HTML challenged and the whole process of creating a website just never clicked. Finally, last Sunday I had an epiphany and HTTP, HTML and FTP all came into focus and I finally understand how to proceed with my website.
I’ve got over 480 posts from this blog to incorporate into my new website, so be sure to stay tuned here for anything new. It will take a while to get the website in shape but I wanted to share it from the beginning with my blog readers. In the next few weeks as you see changes to the website, PLEASE feel free to offer suggestions, criticisms or even assistance with making it creative since I still lack in that department. So check it out, its Version .01 so don’t expect much, if anything. In fact, the only part that works is the abbreviated guide books section. Baby steps.

Hi VDT..congratulations on figuring out the website stuff. It's all way over my head. I just took a peek at your site and I'm looking forward to seeing more! You are so generous to share your collection with everyone. I do have a question for you ever get scanner's wrist? Scanner's elbow? I can't even imagine scanning the amount of material you must have scanned since starting your blog. Amazing.
Very cool regarding the website. You must have some serious storage since your scans are of such high quality!
I was going to manufacture and print out my own $10 gift certificate, but your watermark foiled my nefarious plans! ;-)
Wow, Can't wait to look inside the collection!!!! Thanks for sharing!
Can't wait!
Yours is one of the blogs I now have on my look-at-every-day list. Really great!. Back in 1966 I sold my 1956 Red T-Bird to him. I'm wondering if he kept it that long.
Site look great!! Can't wait
Wao! these oldest tickets are so amazing and really I want to get this for my collection too. its always my dream to be a part of disney land and have fun there all the time, anyways I have visited the disney land for many times for the enjoyment and that was so cool.
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