This magazine is not for everyone. If an article listed here in the contents section interests you, I’d be happy to send you a scan. If you want a copy of the “Love Doll” advertisement, please state that you are 18 or over.

Wow, Andre was indeed a giant, Minnie looks like a big plush toy! Andre does appear to be having a good time as evidenced by those colossal smiles!

Close-ups of page one and two.

Andre looks kind of serious in this set of photos, maybe he was getting tired of posing for photos instead of riding the attractions?

The advertisements are again, not for everyone and definitely for a narrow and targeted audience. Make money selling some funky jewelry.

It’s 1975 and Kung Fu is still the rage! “The world’s deadliest fighting trick” COOL! “Killer Kung Fu comes in a plain wrapped”… Double Cool!

This advertisement is the typical Charles Atlas type of deal. What I find interesting is that the skinny kid is what today’s youth inspires to be, so this ad has is totally backwards for 2009!

Obscure and kind of bizarre. But never-the-less, very cool! I'll pass on the Love Doll though. The last thing I need is a vinyl replica of my x-wife, LOL. Great stuff Tim. Appreciated as always, Richard.
So kooky, but great in a funky way. Andre the giant rules! And now he has been immortalized by Shepard Fairey's famous artwork ("obey!").
It's fascinating how different advertising trends were in 1975.
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