The gate flyer matches the ticket nicely.

MECO of "Star Wars Disco" oh man do I miss 1977!

As a (weak) tribute to Magazine Monday (returning next week) here's the Disneyland Line from December 29, 1977.

Does the Matterhorn have all that stuff now? I'll let you since I'm at the park TODAY!!

How Cute...

The fog on the Matterhorn has been gone for years now. The falling snow effect is still there during the trip up the chainlift, but it's not a very good effect. You want to know something that really bugs me? The last three times I've rode on the Fantasyland side, the lights were on right after the lift where it's supposed to be dark...there isn't a solid ceiling above you in that spot, so you could see through the iron rebar and wire mesh...BAD SHOW, Disney! And this was over a period of about 3 months, so I don't know if the light is on all the time now, or if I just hit it every time someone forgets to turn the lights off.
Oh! oh! I wonder if Minne Riperton will sing her glass-shattering rendition "Loving You" in the key of F to the fifth power...
"Roy Ayers Ubiquity" gets top billing over "Sunshine Balloon"?? OUTRAGEOUS!
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