While it is a so-so reproduction, it has a great cover photo and some neat detailed information about how the Columbia hull was moved into place.

Also an interesting article on the Grand Canyon Diorama official dedication. Did you know both Omnibuses left Disneyland and went to the Anaheim Santa Fe train station to pick up Santa Fe officials and take them to Disneyland? Are the Omnibuses street legal?

The rest is pretty dry and “insider” info from 1958. Did you know Joe Derkowski shorted out all of the lights on the last Viewliner car without even trying?

Is this a xerox copy? Also what is covered up on the back page?
Hi Matterhorn, It appears to be a color xerox copy on 8 1/2" by 12" paper, then folded in half. The first scan is actually the front and back cover together, the back cover has that odd great stripe announcing how great the upcoming June issue would be, boy do I wish I had that one!
What a great shot of the Columbia in the slip. It shows EXACTLY where the Old Plantation Chicken House used to be. I've had a very hard time getting a bead on it's location.
Really enjoyed the Columbia & Diorama articles; thanks for the post!
I believe I recall Bob Gurr giving a presentation in which he mentioned that the normal park Omnibus(es) were not street legal. However, they had so many requests to use one in parades that they built one which was. I don't know what the current status is.
I have a few photocopies of issues of Disneylander.
1-4 Apr 57 Boag's Buffoonery
1-5 May 57 Holiday Land
1-6 Jun 57 Tom Sawyer Island
2-7 Jul 57 WED, Merchants
1-11 Dec 57 Silver Banjo, Trinidad
2-1 Jan 58 Haunted House
2-2 Feb 58 Bekins Van & Storage
2-4 Apr 58 Columbia, Grand Cnyn
2-5 May 58 RR issue
2-? Jul 58 3rd anniversary
2-8 Sep 58 Upjohn, Vacationland
3-2 Mar 59 Matterhorn, Monorail
As you can see, they weren't always consistent on the numbering. Most of the covers are on:
For a while I was collecting cover photos of Disneyland-related publications. You can find the galleries here:
I have virtually all of the newspapers now, including the monthly run from Jul 55-Mar 57. It seems this was replaced by Disneyland Holiday/Vacationland. However, there were still many special issues for custom headlines, groups like the Magic Kingdom Club, and others who would have special days in the park.
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