Friday, October 22, 2010

Disneyland '77 - United Airlines Brochure

Planning a trip to Disneyland? If your trip is in 1977, this brochure from United Airlines should come in handy.

Rent a Pinto! The exploding gas tank is an extra cost item.


  1. What a slick look. Thanks for the post.

  2. Indeed, this graphic look is much simpler and cleaner than I would expect from so late in the '70's.

    Aah, the '70's, when the whole world was ugly....the designers of that era have much to answer for...


  3. Rent a Pinto, ha ha! Not only did they burst into flames if you looked at them funny, but they were just not nice in any sense of the word.

  4. Hi. I regularly visit your blog.
    Your story makes me fun and I can't wait the next update!
    I'll write soon.

  5. Yui is on the right track, by gum - your story makes all of us fun!

    Thanks, VDT.
