Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Disneyland's 25th Anniversary

You're Invited to a 25 Hour party!!! July 17, 1980. For Disneyland's first really big anniversary they had a grand 25 Hour Party to celebrate 25 years! 25 continuous hours at Disneyland!

Here's a pair of those 25 Hour Party tickets. Notice the stubs are detached, but were retained. Free parking too!

One free meal was included with each ticket. It's eggs, bacon and pancakes at the Riverbelle Terrace for me!

There are two seemingly identical gate flyers for the event. Both have the same front and back as shown here.

The inside pages of each is different. Here is the left inside page of version “A”.

Here is the inside left page of version “B”, no “Special Birthday Entertainment”

This is the inside right page of version “A”

The inside right page of version “B”

Here is your party hat with that rubber band just waiting to snap you in the neck!

This is actually from the April 11, 1980 Family Reunion Night. The castle looks, well, it looks like 1980!

Check out the tons of entertainment! I wonder what "Old Mother Logo" was like in Bear Country?

How about some local newspaper articles about the big event?

From a previous post back in March 2008, here is a great Los Angeles Times supplement showcasing Disneyland's 25th anniversary.

January 20, 1980 Los Angeles Times Supplement (120mb)

Come back tomorrow for a super COLORful look at "Disneyland 30 years" from 1985.


  1. Great post, VDT! Funny though...I'm working on a post about July 17th, 1980 right now! However, mine isn't going to be anywhere near as thorough as yours.

    I LOVE that L.A. Times supplement. I remember the day that came out in the newspaper!

  2. I still have that L.A. Times supplement from when it came out! Cool that you have the party hat and (of course) the tickets too.

  3. My parents saved that supplement, too!

  4. Nice post. I love that Hostess Cakes ad in the supplement!

  5. I was in this party, indeed it was the best party in the world,I miss the old way Disney designs his stuff.

  6. I have the button that they gave away as well from July 17, 1980

  7. I just came across your post searching for things on Disneyland's 25th Anniversary. My grandmother passed away in November so while going through her "treasures" we came across a ticket book for her trip to Disneyland in 1980. So being that I'm the big Disney fan in the family, my mother gave me the tickets for a keepsake. I enjoyed your post!
