Friday, June 1, 2012

1962 Disneyland Flyer - Cavalcade of Bands

In June of 1962 there were two wonderful ways to enjoy Disneyland. Let's take a look

The Guided Tour comes with a pretty lady so that's a fairly easy choice...

Those guests with disembodied heads should choose one of the two ticket book options.

Hey this flyer is looking familiar?  I think "Stuff from the Park" posted this a couple years ago!  Yup (link).

Cavalcade of bands advance tickets $4.95, day of the event (June 2) $5.50!

Since my post is sort of a repeat of "Stuff from the Parks" 2010 post, here's something more original from 1962.  OK, the front isn't original, but the sub sure looks cool!

This part is original, if not somewhat boring.  (From Major: Oh, and that postcard is a bit infamous because it has a misspelling on the back ("Disneyand's" on the third line).  Thanks Major!


  1. Cool, I love all of the many variations on these little ticket brochures. And here's one that I've never seen before... just think how many more are out there.

  2. Oh, and that postcard is a bit infamous because it has a misspelling on the back ("Disneyand's" on the third line).

  3. Catching up on some blogs here. By amazing coincidence I'm playing Count Basie right now (the great 'Atomic Basie' LP) - they probably played a cut or two in '62. Count Basie at Vintage Disneyland could be my idea of best vacation ever.

  4. Are these little flyers from 1962 worth anything
