Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Disneyland Hotel Brochure - 1980's

Here's a fun brochure for the Disneyland Hotel.  There's something so cool about those simple Mickey Mouse balloons and ears!

I'm guessing none of this exists today.

The Waterfalls! R.I.P...

This brochure is not dated (man that drives me crazy!) But the Mime that looks like it mated with Mork from Ork would put this in the early 1980's. Calling Orson....

All kinds of neat things to look at here!

Nice simplified southern California freeway map, I miss the 80's.


  1. I know they've done wonderful things in sprucing up the Disneyland Hotel, but I am still bummed that the waterfalls are gone.

  2. What Major said!

    The buildings in that second pic were still standing up until about a year ago when they were bulldozed. Disney calls that progress!

  3. I remember that white sand beach with the sailboat---Played there a ton in 1981 (when I wasn't at the arcades!).

    Really loved that era of the hotel and seeing it brings back some of my best childhood memories.

