Monday, February 27, 2012

Vacationland - Spring 1961

Let's take a look at a vintage Vacationland Magazine. This is the oldest un-posted Vacationland in my collection, this issue is the Spring 1961 edition.   

You can download the entire issue here:  

There is some super artwork in this issue.

Nice castle colors!

Colorful centerfold.

There was quite a bit of "News from Disneyland" in the Spring of 1961, three pages worth!


  1. I first saw this cover many years ago, and it might have been the first time I really noticed the round buckets. Love the Dolly Madison ad!

  2. Always great to have another Vacationland, especially an early one. I also like how some of the ideas don't quite make it into production such as showing all four seasons in Nature's Wonderland. It's too bad they didn't reproduce that art in color even if it is a snow-blanketed scene.


  3. j'adore !... je cherche des documents de l'année 1961 (mon année de naissance), pour créer un album et votre blog est une véritable mine d'or !... merci de nous offrir ainsi ces documents si patiemment collectés et mis en valeur...

  4. I just came across the Vacationland summer 1961. In pretty good shape except for the center. I sure would love to find it.But, I'm still looking around here. But if anyone would like to see it, I don't mind taking picts.. Thanks for sharing Yours
