Friday, July 22, 2011

Disneyland Special "Youth" Ticket Book - 1963

Taking another look at a page from the Magical “Ticket Binder” this Disneyland Special “Youth” ticket book is something I’ve only seen in the binder. Dated 1963 we've only got partial scans but man is that “Youth” font cool, the “Y” is embracing the word “Special”.

These fantastic tickets sported a “Y” serial number prefix, for “youth” I would guess. If anyone has one, or has even seen one, please let me know. I wonder what the Main Gate Admission ticket looks like?


  1. Wow, that is amazing, never seen anything like it!

  2. Never EVER heard of a "Youth" ticket book before!! Too bad the tickets aren't A through E's, that would make it even better.

  3. I've never seen/heard/imagined that these tickets existed. They're so distinctive...

    I wonder if they were discounted, bulk sales tickets offered to charitable organizations (or similar) that worked with kids. They're from 1963, so that fits with the social awareness of the time, They're tagged "Special Youth" so there's no mistaking them for other ticket media, And their distinctive design prevents them from being exchanged or refunded to the company's disadvantage (since the original price was discounted, possibly deeply discounted, depending on tax benefits.)

  4. WOW! This is cool. Never have seen this before. This has got to be rare. Great design! Awesome!

  5. There's a new one! Never seen it, never heard of it. I'd bet Katella Gate is on the right track. These must be exceedingly rare - perhaps Matterhorn knows more.

    Thanks for the look, VDT.

  6. I don't recall seeing that design before either. In favor of Katella Gate's theory, there are a number of special issues of Disneyland News that were issued in this period to mention special days when a youth group would visit the park. Here's one on newsprint (others were on glossy magazine stock) for a visit on March 25, 1964 by the Rainbow Girls. Others may be seen by clicking the next button on that page. It seems likely that this sequence of youth groups attending on specific days might have their own tickets issued. March 25, 1964 was a Wednesday. Later ones were on Saturdays.
